Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Becoming Active

1 billion people live without safe drinking water. 800,000 people every year—the majority of whom are children—are trafficked into forced prostitution, forced labor and other types of "slavery" (27 million currently enslaved worldwide). 143 million children are orphaned or abandoned, with an additional 35,000 added daily as a result of the HIV/AIDS crisis.
http://www.theactivistdrink.com/thedrink.html. Do these few choice sentences hit you right in the face?! My hopes for the answer that comes from you is yes! Yes to want to stop these statistics from ever growing more and yes to want to take a stand for justice. I hope your yes isn't just a simple okay this is fact now move on, but that your yes is a movement of action that is stirred in the depths of your being to want to stop poverty from overtaking the population, stop the forced labor going on to create the clothes, shoes, earings etc that your phalangies are wearing at this instant, to the HIV/AIDS victims that are ever so covering our planet, to the billion people who drink the dirty and polluted water daily. I can't believe this is actually happening? Can you...? I wish it wouldn't, but it is. Now, its our turn to help stop it, make a u-turn and make it right!

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