Wednesday, April 29, 2009

He is able.....

A couple weeks ago this girl from my school came up to me and asked if we could go play basketball sometime so I was really excited because not alot of girls play ball here... So i said we could go play after I got off work. We have hung out before but I have never asked about her life and where she came from. I knew she lived about 30 min away from the school, but I didnt know much details about her as a person. I always love hearing about peoples lives and where they came and how they are who they are now.. if that makes sense. So previous to her coming up to me I was thinking about this exchange student that I met in High School from Russia... random.. but at dinner we were talking and she told me that she was from Russia... It was sooo wweird that i had just been thinking about this girl from Russia of all places and that this girl was also from Russia. So I am kinda shocked right now but still listening to this story. She said she had grown up in an orphanage and that she had been adopted here to the US when she was younger. Now if some people dont really know me my heart is allll for orphans, widows and human trafficking.. sooo my heart was stoked to hear from a person who had lived in an orphanage. your probably thinking why was I so excited? but I was so stoked to be able to hear from the mouth of a person what her experience was like living in a place with a bunch of orphans and no parents. I was so intrigued about her story... the reason why I wrote this was about two and a half years ago I went to "Imagine" which was this huge conference/concert/seminar deal that was all about human trafficking, poverty and orphans and God had put a passion to open an orphangage for victims of human trafficking and orphans and even kids off the streets to come and have a safe place to come and recieve counseling, medical, job opportunites, and the gospel. I dont want them to just recieve a "its okay, stay here for a week then you gotta get out of here" or how do you feel now that you have been sexually exploited?" I want them to come out knowing that there is a God who loves them and can rebuild their lives and restore their purity, wholeness and love for people who have broken them in the past. sooo I asked God about a week before I met with this girl to restore this passion in my heart that burned soo much and he did.. I dont know if this was a kinda "yes" sorta like to my question to him or what but I will continue to aske and seek... Praise God and I pray that I allow myself to be open to being molded, shaped and used for his glory, not mine. I know he will continue to lead me and pull me through... It says in Isaiah 64:4 "There has never been another God like me, because I truly care about you and everything you are going through. I see your situation. I know your hearts desire, and I am willing to move powerfully on your behalf. Trust me; I am able." I got this as an email today and as I was meditating on this word I couldnt help but sing and smile and be joyess.(if thats how you spell it)... I know that God hears me when I call and he knows what my deisres are... so I will him do the rest for every aspect of my life....